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Periodontist Surgery

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Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling refers to the removal of plaque and calculus deposits from teeth. Our teeth are continuously bathed in saliva which is rich in calcium and other substances. This calcium tends to accumulate as a chalky substance on our teeth. These deposits provide a friendly environment for bacterial growth which can cause tooth decay as well as gum disease if allowed to grow. Dr Gupta uses ultrasonic scalers to remove these deposits. The device produces vibrations along with a spray of cool mist of water that loosens the attached deposits and leaves your teeth clean and smooth. Once all the surfaces are clean the teeth are polished with a prophylaxis paste. In case the infection has gone further to the root surfaces of the teeth, treatment advised is root planing. It may be done as a part of Gum treatment or as a prophylactic procedure prior to any oral surgery. It usually requires anaesthesia and is done in a couple of appointments.


In case of severe gum diseases, which are not responsive to medication, scaling & root planing, procedures like gingivectomy & gingivoplasty are done. Gingivectomy refers to removal of diseased gum tissue whereas gingivoplasty means reshaping of gums. The procedure involves administration of anesthesia Both form an integral part of cosmetic dentistry and give a more natural and pleasing smile.

Gingival Curettage

Gingival curettage is a surgical procedure usually done as an adjunct or subsequent to scaling & root planing procedure. It results in a deeper and more complete cleaning. It involves the removal of soft tissue lining of gum pockets thereby eliminating bacteria and diseases tissue

Flap Surgery

Flap surgeries allow access for deep cleaning of the root surface, removal of diseased tissue, and repositioning and shaping of the bones, gum, and tissues supporting the teeth. The tissue flap is opened , root surfaces are cleaned and scraped off their deposits. The flap is then repositioned so as to reduce the gingival pocket depth. The remaining bone may be reshaped and bone graft placed, if required to regenerate the lost bone. Removing or smoothing damaged tissue allows the gum tissue to better reattach to healthy bone

Soft Tissue Grafts

In cases of sever gingival recession, a thin piece of tissue is taken either from palate or from adjacent areas and is grafted on to the exposed root surface to cover unsightly, sensitive or exposed surfaces. This prevents further gum recession and restores healthy gum tissue. It can be done for a single tooth or multiple teeth. It forms a part of cosmetic dental enhancements.


Loose teeth can make eating uncomfortable, as biting pressure can cause the teeth to move and pull away from the gum. Splinting involves binding of a group of teeth. This is done so that the masticatory forces are shared over by a larger area of supporting structures rather than being borne by a single tooth. It may either be a composite splint or a fiber splint.

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